Sunday, May 5, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

International business - Essay ExampleChina fits the needs of my criteria because it presents owing(p) opportunities and great challenges China has something for everybody, but it is not always an easy place to do business and it is getting harder as a result of Chinas harmonization of trade rules and tightening of loopholes. (Inch, 2008)The best location to take for new branch outside of Qatar is China because it is an industrial country and encourages investment and businesses. It competes with well-developed country such as USA. Notably, China also offers a cheap labor at all times. Another encouragement for me is to acquire and serve the entirely different cultural manifestations, thoughts, and natural geography.Collectivistic cultures have a great strain on groups and think more in terms of we. On the collectivist side, we pay back societies in which batch from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups. China indicates that a society is a bureau of coll ectivism rather than individuality. Collectivism was certainly present throughout the country strangers are to be interact like friends, and although emotions of individuals are important, the group is also very important in decision-making. Most Importantly, Social transaction are often expressed by the exchange of gifts. An important concept within Chinese kind relations is the concept of face and many other Oriental cultures. Hence, people are perceived as being near or far rather than in or out. (Oneness, 2010).Ascription involves olden influence, relationships and his/her position in the community. Chinese do not focus on the achievements however, the primary focus is on the elderly, having relationships or prestige in the community. So, there will be a little bewilderment to find the employees due to an ascription culture. Hence, the rules of recruiting should follow the same rules that the people of the country follow. They relate status to

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